
“Take care of your body,
it will take care of your life”

Dr Alfonso Caycedo, founder of sophrology

What is Sophrology ?

Chemin côtier en Bretagne

Sophrology was developed in 1960 by the Professor Alfonso Caycedo, Neuropsychiatrist.
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Why use sophrology ?

Pen Bron, entrée du traict et vue du Croisic, Presqu'île Guérandaise

Difficulty can sometimes interrupt the peaceful flow of our lives (painful event, overwork, accident, illness…), or perhaps we need help in preparing for a goal with confidence (exam, competition, surgical operation…). 
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Kercabelec, presqu'île Guérandaise

During our first appointment, I will take the time to collect all the information you give me in order to clarify your precise expectations and highlight your objectives. 
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Who I am ?

Récolte du sel dans les marais salants de Guérande

Graduating from a School in International Business and then working in finance, I gradually realised that my job did not match my vision of life.
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