Karin Langlois :
Graduating from a School in International Business and then working in finance, I gradually realised that my job did not match my vision of life. Following my curiosity and heart, I moved to England where I settled for a dozen years.

In my quest to understand human relations in more depth, I resumed my studies and graduated in Psychology at the University of Kent in Canterbury. As well as the theoretical knowledge gained from this course I became even more aware of the importance of well being to the body. This led me subsequently to take up training as a biodynamic psychotherapist at the London School of Biodynamic Psychotherapy à Londres (*). This training has profoundly influenced my life.
Outside my studies I worked for a few years in the social field : first in an association helping people with mental health issues and then as Service Manager in a hostel for young homeless people.
When I returned to France, I found that my UK qualifications were non-transferable. Being particularly attracted by all the benefits of Sophrology, in 2014 I decided to train at the Institut de Sophrologie de Rennes (ISR). Since qualifying as a Sophrologist, I continue to stay up to date with the latest developments of Sophrology by attending regular workshops.
My various qualifications, plus experiences working in the social field have shaped my role as a sophrologist and I am passionate about offering Sophrology and all the benefits it can bring to one’s everyday life.

(*) Biodynamic psychology is a body-oriented psychotherapy, which is part of the Humanistic branch of Psychology. It considers the human being in its entirety. It can welcome or restore the dynamic of life that is inherent within each individual and which – depending on our lives – might be out of balance.