Sophrology helps us maintain a good balance in our lives, as well as managing stress. However, Sophrology does not replace any medical treatment and the sophrologist is not authorised to issue any medical diagnosis.
The Institut de Sophrologie de Rennes (ISR), where I trained, is a school member of the Federation des Ecoles Professionnelles en Sophrology (FEPS). It is recognised by the Répertoire des Certifications Professionnelles (RNCP). I am also a member of the Syndicat des Sophrologues Professionnels (SSP). As a sophrologist, I am committed to respect the Ethical code, which governs the profession of sophrologists (confidentiality…). I continue to receive regular supervision from this professional body.
Consult the Ethical code of the FEPS FEPS and of the SSP

For more information about Sophrology, here are some suggested sites that might be of interest :
- Information on sophrology : sophrologie-info
- Institut de Sophrologie de Rennes ISR
- Fédération des Ecoles Professionnelles en Sophrologie FEPS
- Syndicat des Sophrologues Professionnels SSP
- Société Française de Sophrologie SFS
- Groupe d’Epistémologie de la Sophrologie GES
- Article about sophrology :
Recommended literature

There are numerous books about Sophrology and you will easily find books that are well written on this topic. Yet, should you need any guidance, here are a few suggestions that might interest you :
- Initiation à la sophrologie, par le Dr Patrick-André Chéné, Ed. Ellebore, 2015
- La sophrologie pour les nuls, par Cindy Chapelle, Ed. First, 2014
- La sophrologie, par Richard Esposito, Ed. Que sais-je ?, 2018
- En quoi le fait de remuer les épaules va m’aider à aller mieux dans ma vie ? par Anne Jamelot-Bonnaillie, Ed. Books on Demand, 2014
- Sophrologie, Pratiques et perspectives : Magazine, parution trimestielle